
Real Time: How do I use the Suspect Product Workflow?

Here is a video tutorial that steps you through using the Suspect Product Workflow Investigation feature:

How to use the Suspect Product Workflow

To complete the Suspect Product Workflow in real time:

  1. Locate the suspect item in the transaction
  2. Activate the Suspect Product Workflow
  3. Complete the questionnaire as accurately as possible
  4. Notify either the trading partner or the FDA
  5. Follow your pharmacy's standard operating procedure to quarantine the product 

The first step in using the Suspect Product Workflow (SPW) is to locate the item-in-question in the transaction.  Details about the transaction are found at the "Transaction Detail - Incoming" page.  

Step two is to activate the Suspect Product Workflow by clicking on the yellow button in the 'Actions' column.   


Step three is to complete the questionnaire.  It is paramount that you answer the questions accurately.  These questions were pulled directly from the FDA's draft guidance for how to conduct an investigation into suspect products.  The questionnaire has four sections:

  1. Observations regarding the trading partner and the order
  2. Observations regarding the supply, demand, and value of the product
  3. Observations regarding the appearance of the product
  4. A workflow review and a place to include additional comments 

Step four is to notify your trading partner or the FDA.  Your trading partner should be notified first, so they are made aware that they are sending suspect data.  If there is no resolution or if the situation escalates, notify the FDA.  To notify either your trading partner or the FDA:

  1. Click the Notify Trading Partner button or
  2. Click the Notify FDA button. 


Step seven is to follow your pharmacy's standard operating procedure on how to quarantine suspect products.  


Thank you for reading or watching "How do I use the Suspect Product Workflow?".  If you have more questions, feel free to consult other articles in InfiniTrak's Self Service Portal, send us a message via the "Support" button at the bottom of your screen, or give us a call at 1.844.463.4641.

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