
Does a wholesaler portal count as DSCSA compliance?

No, wholesaler portals do not count as DSCSA compliance.  DSCSA compliance is not simply accomplished by using a wholesaler’s portal or relying on their services. Wholesalers will store your data for you, but the DSCSA is more than just data storage and retrieval.

You must be able to manage returns, identify suspect and illegitimate product, report to suppliers and the FDA, communicate in electronic formats in real time, prepare for on demand reporting, and provide ready data retrieval for potential audits. Luckily, InfiniTrak does all of that for you.


Thank you for reading "Does a wholesaler portal count as DSCSA compliance?". If you have more questions, feel free to consult other articles in InfiniTrak's Self Service Portal, send us a message via the "Support" button at the bottom of your screen, or give us a call at 1.844.463.4641.


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